World Earth Day 2024:  Our Responsibilities Towards Next Generation

World Earth Day 2024 falls on Monday, April 22.

It is an annual event observed across the globe to understand and remind the world of the vulnerability our Earth is facing due to our activities and how and why we need to act fast to conserve our environment.

Earth Day is celebrated to raise awareness about our healthier planet, and environmental conservation for a brighter future.

World Earth Day 2024 Theme

Each year, Earth Day has a specific theme on pressing environmental issues. In 2024, Earth Day’s theme is Planet vs Plastics. It is to highlight the danger of plastic pollution and how it harms our Earth and our children’s future.

EARTHDAY.ORG wishes to end plastic from the face of the Earth and requested a 60% reduction by 2024.

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day was first observed in 1970 and initiated by Gaylord Nelson, a US senator, and Denis Hayes, a Harvard Student. Both were devastated by the 1969 oil spill in California and its impact on the environment. To increase awareness about environmental conservation among students, they choose April 22, a weekday between Spring break and final exams. This first step becomes so popular that millions of people from all walks of life start participating across the US. In 1990, Earth Day became a global phenomenon and now billions of people show their support. This date is also the beginning of the Jewish holiday, Passover-April 22-April 30.

World Earth Day Activities

On Earth Day, you can play your part by engaging in various environment-related activities to make the day special.

  • Take a pledge to avoid using plastics in your home.
  • Organize a tree-planting event in your community.
  • Develop a plan to change your lifestyle that reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Participate in clean-up drives to remove litter and plastic waste from beaches, parks, rivers, and other natural areas.
  • Educate yourself and your family and friends about climate change progress and how we can help.
  • Attend workshops focused on sustainable living practices, and renewable energy.
  • You can volunteer at any events like Earth Day 5K Marathons to increase awareness.
  • You can encourage kids to participate in various Earth Day activities for kids organized by many schools and organizations.

Frequent Ask Questions

When is Earth Day?

Earth Day 2024 falls on Monday, April 22.

What is Passover?

Passover is a Jewish holiday celebrated between April 22 and April 30, commemorating the Israelite’s liberation from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the forces of destruction.

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